The holiday season in our 1899 Victorian home is my favorite time of the year.

Candles and string lights make all of the beautiful woodwork glow and I am so thankful that our mantels and other architectural features survived to this point.

I decorate for Christmas with lots of natural materials I collect outside just as the original occupants must have.

Because I was able to locate the present day descendants, I have photos and stories of those who went before.

It’s a wonderful connection to know that I am decking these halls for 122nd time.

An old home has a distinct character and being a caretaker is a unique joy. We get the opportunity to honor its past and protect its future.

Cheers to many more Christmases in the Aaron G. Lentz House!
Heather Taylor, pensionshandläggare och byggnadsvårdare. Följ Heathers konto: victoriannerdess på Instagram!
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